Command Line To-Do List.

//Hello World

How many times have you forgotten to do some important tasks such as editing some code before submitting it, changing the number of kernels in your CNN model or even downloading a song which was in your head all this time?

Well, to be honest, I forget these things easily(I mean what can you expect from a master procrastinator, I hope I spelled it correctly :P). Well, we all pretty much forget some small stuff, I guess it's the only property which makes humans HUMANS, I mean you can't expect the Supreme AI from Captain Marvel to forget something.

So here a ToDo list comes in handy, Now the ToDo List that I'm gonna provide you is not an ordinary shiny-glittery ToDo List, but a purely Command Line based ToDo List(Devs say Ho!). Here's the link to the GitHub Repo , currently it is available for Windows only, but to be honest you can change just one line in the code to make it work on Mac and Linux. Hope you'll like it. Because interacting with a ToDo list in Terminal is a real Developer stuff.
