
Given 4N-1 vertices of N rectangles find the missing vertex.

You have been given N Casterian Coordinate axis-parallel rectangles , but one of its vertexes is missing, i.e. Out of 4N vertex, you have only been given 4N-1 vertices.  You need to find the missing vertex. ->The rectangles can overlap ->All the vertices are unique i.e no two vertex overlap Example : INPUT : N =1 vertices = (2,2), (3,2), (2,3) Output :  The missing vertex is: (3,3) Explanation : N=1 means we have been given just a single rectangle, the three vertices given to us are : (2,2), (3,2), (2,3). Plotting the points on the XY coordinate axes we can see that the missing vertex will be (3,3). Approach: A possible solution is by employing the use of HashSet. We create two HashSet: one for the x coordinates and the other for the y coordinates. Now loop through the x_cordinates in the input vertices array , if the 'x' coordinate is already present in the HashSet then remove it from the HashSet or else insert it to the HashSet.  Again

The Numerical Analysis Calculator

Hey All,  I this post I'll explain how to set up and use the Numerical Analysis Calculator app. This app currently supports:  print ( "1: Bisection Method" )      print ( "2: Newton Rhapson Method" )      print ( "3: Newton Forward Interpolation" )      print ( "4: Newton Backward Interpolation" )      print ( "5: Gauss Forward Interpolation" )      print ( "6: Gauss Backward Interpolation" )      print ( "7: Trapezoidal Rule" )      print ( "8: Simpson OneThird Rule" ) 1. First things first you will need python_3.7+ , Go  and download a suitable Python Version and install it. (This was necessary to make sure this app works in Windows, Mac, and Linux). 2. Next, open up your cmd (on Windows search 'cmd' in the Search box->right click and Run as Administrator), type " pip install pyrebase "... this is required to keep


MORE INFORMATION WILL BE UPDATED SOON... PyCPP is a utility for C++ which will help you to carry out python like operations... such as string.split(' ') or printing a vector/hashmap/hashset with a single command check it out at:

Using Python with braces: Python++

Hi There! We all love python, I mean where else would you find such a simple and powerful programming language(just forget about 'Go' for a moment). With the help of python, you can do pretty much anything... from a simple automation script to book seats for Black Widow to creating a Deep Neural Network to drive cars for you in Grand Theft Auto V. But this language has a really BIG issue: ' INDENTATION '... In python, you do not use the good-old '{}' :( but you are forced to use ':' and '\t'  :/ Okay...okay many of you would be like "DUDE... just get an IDE... you don't need to create something just for goddamn' indentation" but let me tell you... have you ever written a 300 lines code in python for your robot, that works on RaspberryPi, just to find out that the python interpreter gives indentation error and then using Vim....literally Vim... to iterate manually through 300 lines fixing indentati

The 20-20-20 Rule.

Have you ever experienced eye strain while using your Desktop.... like your eyes become dry and itchy... if yes I've got a solution for you...... No, it does not involve some fancy STUPID BlueCut lens (which actually don't work, for more info check here: ). You know the strain you experience is because of the fact that while looking at a screen you tend to blink less often, thus causing your eyes to dry out. So what's the solution? >It simple... take a break in a while and look at someplace other than your screen :p. Hey! but wait, we all know that this is not possible, I mean come'n while I am working on my Desktop computer I HARDLY  shift my focus........Wheeehww... and you are telling me to take a break in a while, that's not possible. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Any other easy way??  >Well, actually there is one... you need to follow the mighty TWENTY-TWENTY-TWENTY rule. Okaaaay go on I'm listenin

Convert any music file (*.mp3) to 8D Audio.

//Hello World If you love listening to music on YouTube I'm pretty sure that sometimes or the other you would have stumbled across some "8D Music", well yesterday I listened  "Starboy - 8D Music" and felt that there was really no Eighth Dimension in it..... I mean if you go by the 26 dimensions of the Bosonic String Theory, then a Music file with eight dimensions.....hmmm... well mankind is yet to find out how it will sound like but the Videos on YouTube labeled 8D music are nothing but Ambisonic audio. So, I researched a bit about Ambisonic audio, and I found out that to create a single "8D Music"  track for YouTube, it takes the creator about an hour of hard work with powerful analog instruments. I was like "Woah!" just to make a 4-minute audio pan from left to right and vice versa you waste 1 hour. (Yeah but they do get millions of views on a single song -_- ) So I decided to automate this task with python, which will do it f

Command Line To-Do List.

//Hello World How many times have you forgotten to do some important tasks such as editing some code before submitting it, changing the number of kernels in your CNN model or even downloading a song which was in your head all this time? Well, to be honest, I forget these things easily(I mean what can you expect from a master procrastinator, I hope I spelled it correctly :P). Well, we all pretty much forget some small stuff, I guess it's the only property which makes humans HUMANS, I mean you can't expect the Supreme AI from Captain Marvel to forget something. So here a ToDo list comes in handy, Now the ToDo List that I'm gonna provide you is not an ordinary shiny-glittery ToDo List, but a purely Command Line based ToDo List(Devs say Ho!). Here's the link to the GitHub Repo  , currently it is available for Windows only, but to be honest you can change just one line in the code to make it work on Mac and L